Our Locations

East Barnet Baptist Church

Crescent Road, East Barnet EN4 8PS

020 8449 5320


About Our Church

We are a family of believers from different ethnic backgrounds, who share a common faith in God and a living relationship with Jesus Christ.

Archives: Sermon

Love is blind

Love is blind

Rupert Lazar follows on from Samson’s revenge to look at how love can be blind – or is it actually love? Do those we associate with influence our decisions and actions?

Angry and getting even

Rupert Lazar uses the story of Samson revenge upon the Philistines to exhort us to find a third way – that revenge is not the answer even if it seems right – there are no winners in revenge – everyone gets hurt

out of control

Out of Control

Sheila Crunden explores the story of Samson and his marriage where he seems to be out of control – and how God is still in control of the situation

The reinstating of Peter – John 21vs1-19

In our final part to “from the Ashes we Rise” series of zegen-sermons Ellen Carter explores the story of Peter as he comes face to face with the risen Jesus. Peter had denied him three times – now Jesus is risen and shows Peter what the future beholds. This was third time that Jesus revealed himself to the disciples.

Thomas – A doubting mind

Continuing our look at some of the appearances of the resurrected Jesus, Rupert Lazar takes a look at this famous event from Johns Gospel (20:24-29) and asks why we have made Thomas out to be the one who is vilified for doubt when in reality he is like many of us questioning and examining the truth.

If truth be told, we all have doubts; we all search for the truth and often only believe what our eyes can see, what we experience through our senses. Perhaps when we satisfy our inquisitive minds our response would also be like Thomas “My Lord and my God” Like Jesus says “blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

On the Road to Emmaus

On the road to Emmaus two disciples are reminiscing about what has happened – when Jesus appears. Rupert Lazar explores this well known journey showing how the story relates to all of us, our dreams, our perceptions and misunderstandings. That even now we sometimes don’t get what’s going on in our lives. But Jesus understands and helps us on our journey. However we are feeling or not perceiving, that even though our lives will have disappointments, heavy burdens and pain in our midst Jesus is there sharing our journey, encouraging us and never abandoning us

Palm Sunday

Rupert Lazar explores the journey of Jesus as he arrives in Jerusalem. Jesus was breaking down barriers by what he did in and outside the temple – the question is whether we have barriers in our lives that prevent us coming to God or even barriers in our church that prevent others coming to God.