Our Locations

East Barnet Baptist Church

Crescent Road, East Barnet EN4 8PS

020 8449 5320


About Our Church

We are a family of believers from different ethnic backgrounds, who share a common faith in God and a living relationship with Jesus Christ.

Wednesday Evening Growth Group

Wednesday Evening Growth Group

The original Growth Group of EBBC that has grown and is well established as the cornerstone of personal ministry for members of EBBC.

This midweek group provides a space for building up relationships and growing together spiritually as group members go deeper in their study of Scriptures.  They are enabled by a Group Leader and decide their own frequency of meeting e.g. weekly as well as the venue and time for meeting.  The usual pattern for a meeting are as follows: Welcome. Worship.  Word.  Witness (4 W’s).  Group members are encouraged to provide pastoral care and support for each other.

It is also an opportunity to explore the Sunday sermon in a more relaxed setting. Attendance of this group numbers around 12 members.

Currently this group is run on the Zoom Platform. It is on Wednesday evenings from 8 - 10pm, and is lead by the attendees, overseen by Colin and Vicky. You can join this group here