To be like Jesus in our everyday lives - 'Anointed to do good’ -
Acts 10:38
How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him.
All people everywhere - Rupert Lazar explores what this means in this short video
Jesus gives us the confidence to pray for people that they might be healed
Integral Mission
Caring for the whole person. Jesus went around doing good – announcing the good news that God’s kingdom had arrived. Jesus made this announcement using both words and deeds; proclamation and demonstration. Jesus told the good news and Jesus showed the good news. Jesus’ lifestyle was evangelistic. His aim was always to reconcile people with the God the Father. Jesus cared for the whole person including the person’s spiritual well being (their salvation). Jesus did good as he looked at people through eyes of mercy and he carried out a ministry of mercy. The desire is always to be a blessing, to desire and give the best that people may know and experience God’s love.Transformational
John 10:10. Jesus comes that they may have life, and have it to the full.
Jesus’ ministry of doing good is about promoting the well-being of others, about freeing people from whatever it was that kept them from enjoying a loving relationship with God their Father.
This is the gospel, the good news – an encounter with Jesus changes lives!
Spiritual Gifts - empowering church
God has given each one of us gifts to empower the church
Every one of us has at least one gift which brings about blessings to the church as we use them.
"God still loves the world today through you and me" (Mother Teresa)
When we use our gifts we bless each other and do good to one another