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East Barnet Baptist Church

Crescent Road, East Barnet EN4 8PS

020 8449 5320


About Our Church

We are a family of believers from different ethnic backgrounds, who share a common faith in God and a living relationship with Jesus Christ.

Archives: Sermon

Moses and his staff

Rupert Lazar explores the similarities between Moses and his staff and us – the excuses Moses gave for not doing what God asked are what many of us also say about using our gifts for serving the body of Christ. God gives us all staffs (gifts) but its up to us to use them

Need for appropriate self-esteem

Ellen Carter looks at how we act when we use our gifts – do we use them humbly and honorably? How do we see and receive the fruit of the gifts – do we recognize these gifts as God given and exercise our gifts with reverence to God. Do we fall into the way of pride and self esteem. Our gifts belong to God who has graciously given them to us to use for His purpose not our own.

Given for the common good

Rupert Lazar begins a new series “Stir up the Gift of God” where we will be looking at how we can help each other recognize our gifts and use them to encourage and edify the church family. Its also important to recognize the many gifts and the various forms they take and not to belittle the gifts that we have.

In His mission

Rupert Lazar brings to a close the series “On being Like Christ” with a message about ‘In His Mission’ of how Jesus sets an example and then calls each and every one us (the Church) to be mission focused in all that we do whether at work or leisure. That our lives should be examples to the world. Over 40 million people in the UK have no intention of ever going to Church. If the world does not want to come to church then we the church need to go to them.

In His patient endurance

Continuing the series “on being like Christ” Sheila Crunden brings a deeply moving message comparing what Jesus went through for us to what we go through for Him and the rewards that entail.

In His service

Rupert Lazar brings an emotional message about how we serve. To serve our church family is the utmost form of worship. Rupert takes us through how Jesus demonstrated service and how we should examine whether we are mission focused or just there to receive.

In His Love

Keith Nipps follows up on the theme of “On being like Christ” from this well known exhortation by St Paul to the Ephesians as to how we should conduct ourselves together as a church and to avoid the way of the world and sin

Failure need never be the last word

Failure need never be the last word

The final part of the story of Samson our flawed hero is brought to us by Ellen who explains that not all is lost – there’s hope. That even in the worst of situations God hears us and answers our prayers. This story ends with not just hope but with deliverance as God begins to restore the people of Israel.