East Barnet Baptist Church is committed to supporting various World Mission Agencies and 25% of its income is devoted to funding such organisations.
The following are the World Mission Agencies we support.
Home Mission is all about helping Baptist churches and individuals to reach their mission potential and bring the love of God to their communities. It is the Baptist family purse, and each year our Union has an appeal to raise money for Home Mission. Communities around our nation are being transformed by Home Mission through grants to churches and regions which facilitate church planting, the resourcing of local churches and enable churches to develop new and creative mission projects. Through Home Mission, hundreds of lives have been affected and many have found faith in Jesus.
BMS World Mission
BMS World Mission is a Christian mission organisation, working in around 30 countries on four continents.
BMS workers and partners strive every day to make Jesus known and share the full life he brings. From legal work to surgery, food projects to education, BMS works with local partners, providing help where it is most needed, among the most marginalised and least evangelised people in the world.
They do this thanks to the support of UK Christians, individuals and churches, who share our vision for a world made better through Christ’s grace.

Tearfund is a Christian organisation with a passion for ending poverty, by following Jesus where the need is greatest, working through local churches to unlock people's potential and helping them to discover that the answer to poverty is within themselves. When disasters strike, Tearfund responds quickly and it won't stop until poverty ends.
As a Christian charity, Tearfund believes that everyone has an amazing God-given potential to create change. They show people around the world how to unlock these gifts and put them to use escaping poverty. Many of their partners in this work are local churches, who discover how to offer their communities material and spiritual hope.
Tearfund is Ready to speak, ready to act - When disaster strikes, they are ready to respond. And we encourage men and women like you to speak out about issues that affect those affected by poverty. Join Tearfund as they empower millions more to end extreme poverty.
The College’s core activity is training men and women for Christian mission, ministry and leadership in the contemporary world. This will involve training and preparing candidates for ordination to the Baptist ministry within the Baptist Union of Great Britain, Pastors in churches of other denominations and those called to Pioneer Ministry and Missional work. Ministerial formation and training is open to, and benefits from, the presence of many preparing for ministry/ordination from other denominations, networks and church contexts. The participation of students who are pursuing a biblical/theological education in its own right further enriches the life and experience of Spurgeon’s learning community. The College has also developed provision for continuing ministerial development and academic research as well as for the training of church members seeking to serve in lay capacities.

Kahaila Church
As well as being a charity and a cafe, Kahaila is also a church.We are people who earnestly desire to emulate the life and teaching of Jesus Christ. We are about relationship not religion, about fullness of life not legislation. We are committed to live life under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We do not have all of the answers, so we rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to transform us into the likeness of Jesus. We believe that the Bible is the most life transforming book of all time, in it we believe the true character of God is revealed. Our desire is to discover more of who God is through scripture and let that transform the way we live.
Wycliffe Bible Translators
Wycliffe-Togo (Bassar literacy project)
Wycliffe Togo have recently added translations in sixteen languages, alerting people to safety measures needed to protect themselves and their communities during the Covid19 pandemic. They placed all of the translated videos on YouTube . This translation work now done serves 7 million people inside Togo and many more outside, because some of the languages are spoken in many surrounding countries. Hausa, for instance, is one of the most important languages of wider communication in West and Central Africa, with 40 to 50 million speakers. Fulani is spoken by at least 18 million people in 16 West African countries; and Ewe by about 6 million people worldwide.
Translating the Bible
1 in 5 people alive today are still waiting to get the Bible in their language. Bible translation is one of the most significant parts of world mission today.
Wycliffe’s vision, in partnership with our supporters, is that everyone will have access to God’s word in the language that speaks to them best. The Bible changes lives – and so does the work of translating the Bible.
Watch the video to discover how the impact of Bible translation ripples out beyond Christians and churches to touch the lives of whole communities.
Friend-In-Need Community Centre
FIN based within the EBBC building, offers a series of different activities from the Activity Centre (for older adults) and Active Adults Health and Social Club (for active adults) widening the age range of our clients. Through the Good Neighbour Scheme, FIN also provide services such as Information & Advice, Community Support, Befriending Scheme, Shopping Bus and Gardening scheme for older adults aiming to enable them to live independently for as long as possible.